Promoter Profile

Sri Ajit Singh Gaur is the main driving force behind Swami Contractors Pvt. Ltd. Since inception in 2005, He is not only taken Swami Contractors a new height, even create an aura of trustworthiness among the customers and converted the company into million dollor. It is a flagship company in choice of customers for Residential or commercial construction and interior decoration.
Swami Contractor is the name of reckon in Construction and Real Estate Industry in Delhi/NCR. Now, it is aim to develop the world-class infrastructure and become pioneer name not only in Northern India, across India.
Designing, Construction and Maintaining the physical built such as Canals, Roads, Building, Bridges, Dams etc.
Excellence into Building services such as Fire Fighting Systems such as Storage Water Tanks, establishing network of pipes and Pumping Sys.
Believing and having expertise into Soil Investigation before jumping into designing foundations.